From Ad to Sale: How Multichannel Campaigns Can Increase Your Results by 300%


Just last month MailChimp announced its newest integration point: Google Re-marketing. Coupled with Facebook/Instagram ads and its own powerful email marketing automation software, MailChimp is quickly becoming a cost effective one-stop shop for online multichannel marketing campaigns - a critical need for marketers like us in 2017! 

Campaigns integrating 4 or more digital channels will outperform single- or dual-channel campaigns by 300%
— Gartner Research

Last year, Gartner Research reported that campaigns integrating 4 or more digital channels will outperform single- or dual-channel campaigns by 300%. That's right: three hundred percent!

While that seems like a lot, it makes sense when you consider that 15 years ago the average consumer typically used two touch-points when buying an item, whereas today consumers use an average of six touch-points. (Marketing Week)

Despite these rapid changes in customer behaviour, 90% of marketers still struggle to seamlessly connect more than three channels on the buyer journey (Gartner). Technology has certainly made it simpler to target 1:1 interactions with customers, but integrating that customer experience across multiple channels has been an ongoing pain point. Not anymore!

So what does Mailchimp's multichannel marketing experience look like for the customer? We've gone ahead and mapped it out for you!


1. Email Marketing: Using your existing email database, send mobile responsive emails to your customers with new product alerts and personalized product recommendations. These emails link existing customers to your website.

2. Facebook and Instagram Ads: Set up campaigns to advertise your products across Facebook and Instagram right within Mailchimp. These campaigns can target existing customers by matching your email list with Facebook/Instagram's database, using custom audiences based on demographics and interests, or using lookalike audiences similar to your email list members. These ads link existing and new customers to your website. 

3. Website: While on your website, Mailchimp and its integration partners track user behaviour as customers browse products, add items to their shopping cart, complete a purchase, or abandon their cart. 

4. Google Re-marketing Ads: Using images and content from your website, Mailchimp serves retargeting ads through Google Remarketing to customers who browse products or add items to their cart and abandon their cart. These ads appear as your customers browse the web and are personalized with content relevant to the products they were looking at. 

5. Email Reminders: For customers who add products to their cart and have an email address in your database, MailChimp can automatically send reminder emails to them asking if they'd like to complete their purchase. 

So there you have it! With one platform you can create a multichannel marketing program that engages customers and significantly optimizes your conversion rates. On top of that, MailChimp doesn't markup Google or Facebook/Instagram media costs; they're just making it simpler for marketers to create effective campaigns in one platform interface. So are you ready to say goodbye to single/dual channel campaigns and see a 300% lift in performance? Contact us today!