International Tax Solutions

Website Design & Development

Simmons Sharpe revamped our website from the text and photos up, and had a working site for review, including a brand new blog, within 3 weeks.
— Philip Wong, Director

You've got to stand for something.

IInternational Tax Solutions knew what they were good at. We just punched it up.  ITS is a rapidly growing, Toronto-based tax accounting firm that focuses exclusively on US tax services that enable their multinational clients to operate in the United States. Because being experts in one 74,608 page Tax Code just wasn’t enough.


A picture’s worth a thousand words.

Simmons Sharpe created ITS’ brand position, “Beyond Borders,” and built the site around that, including striking visuals of an iconic bridge near Niagara Falls, on the US/Canadian border. We highlighted ITS’ impressive work with large multinational clients.


But a few smart words help too.

A Canadian tax firm that knows US tax? That’s a unique niche, and we helped ITS own it. A new blog and Twitter feed allowed ITS to highlight its specialized knowledge and cross-border tax expertise.